Everynight by Claudia Gray

book_cover_240_evernight-198x300This book was… well…. eh.  The story is about a girl named Bianca who is the daughter of two teachers who have just moved to Evernight Academy.  The first day of classes, just before they start, she has a run in with Lucas and the connection between the two becomes immediate and undeniable.  That part was rather sweet.  It had an good story line.  However, the story goes a bit slow for me and I don’t really see Bianca really grow as a person.  Her flaws rather annoy me.  The forbidden love angel was a descent one, the ending was good, and honestly? My favorite character is Balthazar because he actually is interesting.

I tried moving on to Stargazer, the second book in the series, but I just ended up bored half way through and stopped.  Am I curious as to why the principal has brought human students into the school?  Yes.  Do I care enough to keep reading?  Eh… no.  I think my biggest overall complaint is that the book didn’t really make me care.  I’m going to give this a 3 Star rating.  I liked Lucas, I liked Balthazar, and I liked the story line.  Otherwise, for me, it’s a pass.

Revealed (House of Night #11) by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

Revealed (House of Night, #11)Revealed by P.C. Cast

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Zoey is feeling more anger in this book than ever before and she doesn’t even realize it. Chaos has been let loose in Tulsa and Zoey is frustrated at being forced to not leave campus. Meanwhile, we get to see Neferet’s life and how she came to be the powerful immortal she is.

I like how the seer stone has practically become a character itself and you can’t tell if it’s good or evil. I always expect the ending to hit me, but not as hard as this one did. The last release can’t come soon enough! I’m waiting in crazy anticipation!!

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Hidden (House of Night, #10) by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

Hidden (House of Night, #10)Hidden by P.C. Cast

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

With Neferet’s evil truly exposed, Zoey quickly learns that things are far from over. Neferet continues to wreak havok on the vampires, but now is involving humans and the media.
This book was very well done, but rather slow paced compared to the rest of the series. Still, even though I was bored a few times during the book, the overall feel of it was really good. I especially like how Heath made his appearances in the book and how Zoey realized she had to grow up a bit more to handle the issues she was facing. I also liked how certain fledglings and vampires started to change. I’m looking forward to seeing how those pan out.

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Destined (House of Night, #9) by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

Destined (House of Night, #9)Destined by P.C. Cast

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Zoey is back home and back to battling Neferet since the High Counsel doesn’t see her for who she really is. Plus, she has a new creature and consort. Several things happen in this book and lots of twists and turns. There’s so much that happens and I just don’t want to give it away, so all I’m going to say is that I highly recommend it!!!

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Vampir by John Reinhard Dizon

VampirVampir by John Reinhard Dizon

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The book opens as Celeste is being questioned over her involvement with the death of her mysterious Serbian client, Velimir Rodojka, and her boyfriend, Shea, tries to clear her name. Mysterious murders are going on with loss of blood and strange marks that look like human sacrifices for a demonic cult. This is a unique vampire’s tale at a great pace that has compelling characters, mystery, and suspense! Thanks for such a great read and I highly recommend it!

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Awakened (House of Night, #8) by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

Awakened (House of Night, #8)Awakened by P.C. Cast

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Zoey is back from the otherworld and adjusting to a life without Heath. She has found sanctuary on the Isle of Skye, but Neferet is creating more problems back home. Finally, she has to go back to Tulsa and try to figure out what new evil Neferet is working on and how to not only stop her, but out her to the rest of the vampires.
Awakened took me on a journey of secrets, forgiveness, evil, death, and love. It was a very enjoyable book and I felt connected to Zoey as she tried to recover through all that has happened to her. Great read!

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Burned (House of Night #7) by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

Burned (House of Night, #7)Burned by P.C. Cast

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was a little slower than the previous reads. Though it is a race against time to get Zoey to pull her shattered soul together in the otherworld and return to her body, the book moves at a slightly slower pace. I did, however, like the puzzles they had to figure out in order to find the way to get to Zoey. Also, the way they were able to prove the vampire high council wrong was fantastic. Meanwhile, Stevie Ray has to deal with her own problems – the evil red fledglings who try to kill her and Rephaim. It was a great book! Just not as paced as the previous ones. Still looking forward to the next one!

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Tempted (House of Night, #6) by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

Tempted (House of Night, #6)Tempted by P.C. Cast

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this book, Zoey is confused and has to deal with the truth related to Kalona and his past. At least her guys are getting along in this book. Stark and Heath watch over her and do their best to protect her and be there for what she needs. Stevie Ray has plenty to deal with as well involving a raven mocker and some rogue fledglings. Tempted was a hard one to put down and was practically non stop, which I loved. Looking forward to the next book even though the ending broke my heart!

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Hunted (House of Night, #5) by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

Hunted (House of Night, #5)Hunted by P.C. Cast

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kalona, a powerful immortal, is now the protected consort of Neferet who wants Zoey. Throughout the book, the mysterious Kalona chases after Zoey as she tries to survive and figure out the prophecy to banish him and the now dark high priestes and restore peace to the House of Night and try to prevent a war.
The book was face paced, action packed, and full of puzzles that I felt I was solving with the characters. A fantastic read and the series really is starting to get better and more complicated. I look forward to the next installment!

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Untamed (House of Night, #4) by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

Untamed (House of Night, #4)Untamed by P.C. Cast

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Zoey has managed to anger all her friends, lose their trust, and Neferet has declared a war on humans. Plus, there’s all the creepy things that are going bump in the night. Things really start to speed up in this book of the series as Zoey finally regains the trust of her friends and tells them everything that’s been going on, she meets Stark, a mysterious fledgling that has just transferred in that she feels an immediate draw to, and it’s a race against time to try to stop Neferet and a prophecy from coming true. It was a really good book and I really enjoyed the pace. I think my favorite part was the distraction plan in action. 😉

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